Counselling in Canberra
Specialising in relationships
Relationship counselling
Parenting counselling
Individual counselling
Are you ready to reconnect?
Sometimes it can feel like we are struggling in our relationships or the relationship we have with ourselves. So many of our challenges in life can often be a result of our disconnection to the people close to us. There comes a time where we want to feel connected again.
Knowing where to start this journey might feel overwhelming, but relationship counselling or individual counselling can provide the support you need.

We provide face to face counselling services in Canberra and online for other areas in Australia.
We specialise in relationships and this includes relationship counselling, parenting counselling and individual counselling.
We have a strong knowledge about the impact relationships can have on our development and how this translates into adulthood.
Do you ever wonder why you do what you do in relationships? Maybe you want to understand yourself better? Relationship counselling or individual counselling can help unpack questions you may have about yourself and support you in making the changes you'd like to make.
How we can help:
Our goal at Connections Counselling is to work with you collaboratively and to help you explore your concerns, so you get what you are looking for when coming to counselling.
Throughout our lives we go through a variety of experiences that can impact us in different ways. Some of these experiences can result in a loss of connection to ourselves, or contribute to ruptured connections to the people around us. When we feel stuck, sometimes it helps to have someone outside of our circle to talk things through.
Located on the Kingston Foreshore in Canberra, we provide you with a safe space to share how you are feeling. A place without judgment, where you can feel respected, heard and understood.
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